Spring is here and I'm feeling quite relieved that the long slog through Winter is over-- at least for this year.
I've got about 101 things in my head that I'd like to get down on the blog, but our household is still recovering from a crazy past week. Sweet Stella came down with RSV and an ear infection at the same time and although we were lucky enough to avoid hospitalization, there were many trips to our hospital's respiratory outpatient clinic.
She's still got a bit of a cough, but she's back to her pink and smiley self. Looks like we're out of the woods-- knock on wood.
Anywho, I'm in desperate need of sunshine today, and since Mother Nature doesn't seem interested in helping me out, I figured I'd make a little of my own. I whipped up a cheerful printable-- my very first!!

ps. it'll fit in an 8 x 10 frame
(or you could be like me and just use a magnet to stick it to your fridge)
It was so good to see you! I'm so glad that Stella is feeling better. I wish I had had more time, I would have stayed longer and helped you out! I love you! You are amazing!
You were featured today on Today's Top 20! Come say hey! :)
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