This "project" took longer than any of us expected: Stella Jan showed up on November 21st, 11 days past her due date. She was born at home on a lovely Sunday morning, and weighed 9 lbs 14 oz, and measured 22 inches long. We are all thoroughly smitten.
My second (and less notable) finished project of late is the Lucille sweater and bonnet that I knit for my girl. I used's Peruvian Baby Cashmere yarn in parchment, and some tiny vintage mother of pearl buttons I found on Etsy. Love!
Sooo adorable, and the sweater and bonnet are cute too! ;)
Congratulations! She is gorgeous!!! enjoy your lovely bundle of CUTE!
Congratuations. She is adorable! The sweater and bonnet are lovely too hehehe
oh congratulations!!! such a beautiful speciman of a little girl you made. Lovely sweater too.
Huge congratulations. Really, very good work on baby building and tiny, adorable cardigan knitting. She's beautiful and wears the cute very well!
I have been thinking about you. I am glad little Stella made it into the world safely. Although I don't know if I can call an almost 10 pound baby "little"! :)
She is beautiful and I love the sweater and hat you made. She is a lucky girl! Congrats!!
Hooray! Congratulations! She is beautiful and I ADORE the name Stella; it was my grandmother's name and I always planned to name my first baby girl after her--not sure that's ever going to happen, though:)
Oh sweet mercy! That is one adorable baby! (And I am absolutely in love with that cardigan and hat!) Well done on all fronts!
Hi Stephanie! What an adorable baby, oh and the sweater is amazing too! Your mom, Jan, directed me to your blog. I'm so glad, because it's amazing!
Danielle (Pentz) Greenwood
For some reason I was thinking about you today and thought I better check a blog or two to see if your little girl had arrived. Congratulations! And that sweater and bonnet are absolutely gorgeous. I will say again, I wish we were neighbors. You're a woman after my own heart, Ms. Stephanie. Congrats again!
AMAZING! THe baby AND the sweater set! FAB! xoxox
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