And as you may be well aware, my addiction of knitting little things for tiny people is showing no sign of letting up. If you thought 6 baby sweaters in one month would be enough, you were wrong. Now that I know I've got a little miss to knit for, I just had to go and add a whole bunch more sweet little knitted projects to my ravelry queue.
You wanna see them? I thought you'd never ask!

I'm having visions of this sweet little set in an off-white cashmere blend yarn (I found some at a great price-- even with shipping!) for little Miss Snickerdoodle to wear with her blessing dress: the same one I wore when I was blessed, which was made out of scraps of fabric left over from my mom's wedding dress-- how's that for sentimentality!
This pattern calls for thin yarn and tiny needles. Looks like it might take a while so I'd better get started soon!
This pattern calls for thin yarn and tiny needles. Looks like it might take a while so I'd better get started soon!

Who cares that none of my babies ever kept shoes/socks/booties on for longer than 10 seconds! I have to make these booties! A few pairs, even! Incidentally, they call for the same size needles and yarn as Lucille, so I'll definitely have to make a pair in white.
Bunting Bag by DROPS design
Here's the thing: I have big babies. My "tiniest" weighed in at nine and a half pounds. And they don't stop there: baby Jack weighed in at a staggering 25 lbs at 6 months. We quickly learned that convertible car seats work better for us than the typical infant carrier-- carrying around a ginormous baby and a heavy/awkward carseat is a recipe for pain in the neck/back/wrists/etc., plus our babies would grow out of the infant carrier sooner than most and we'd have to move up to the convertible seat anyways. So far, we've been happy with the arrangement.
The only trouble is that we can't bundle the baby up all snug and warm in a car seat while we're still in the house and then transport to the car-- and with a November baby, we need to be sure to keep her warm even when she's getting buckled into her car seat in the cold car. Which is precisely why we need a bunting bag (with a slot for the car seat buckle).
Although, it would probably be faster just to sew one...
The only trouble is that we can't bundle the baby up all snug and warm in a car seat while we're still in the house and then transport to the car-- and with a November baby, we need to be sure to keep her warm even when she's getting buckled into her car seat in the cold car. Which is precisely why we need a bunting bag (with a slot for the car seat buckle).
Although, it would probably be faster just to sew one...
1 comment:
I wish I knew how to knit!!
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